Sorrowfully the moon shone
In the middle of the night.
A tree trembled with fright
As the wind whipped through its branches.
Night birds sang threnodic songs
Then a lost soul wailed bitterly.
He pleaded for a second chance
His request was not granted.
"No! I don't want to go there!
Please don't let me go there!"
Like a waterfall his tears ran out
As he compared both gates.
His corpse is lying at the corridor
Of someone's house;
Pistol in his left hand - dagger in his right,
Mask on his face and bullets all over his body.
His boys fled when it got tough...
They left him alone with the cops.
He wept in contrition and begged for forgiveness!
"Depart from me evil one!" A mighty voice shook the realm.
Night birds sang threnodic songs
Then a lost soul wailed bitterly.
Filled with regrets his tears ran out endlessly
When he was driven from the beautiful gate.
Endurance Uboogu
So cold!
The wind blew from North- east;
Visions of you woke me from my slumber.
Too cold! You are here again...
Wiping my tears away.
Sing those songs
I love to hear them.
Whisper to my ear like you used to.
How that land does looks - Can my blues be flushed away?
Stay here forever
friend of my soul;
Reality will be your new name.
If only you were here,
my grief would have run away.
Endurance Ubogu
As dark as midnight!
Where the living makes no Sound,
Where ghosts of different races
Dwell in a lawless land.
I can hear it crying aloud!
The voice of antagonism.
On my left bones are reuniting!
To my right carcasses are gaining strength!
Look! As they stare at the faint light of the moon
As it peeps through the boundary of now and then.
Freedom has been captured
With big chains around its neck.
Evil is the food they eat -
I have no stomach for such meal.
They eat in silent tomb
And no voice comes near.
This poem is taking from my book titled 'THE TALE OF EZEUM THE WISE ONE.'
Endurance Ubogu
Today is so cold;
I am here surrounded by loneliness -
Thinking about you.
Since you left,
The warmth relaxation I used to feel
Left me without saying bye;
Now, i'm like a lost puppy.
Those nights we spent together
We made promises we could not keep,
Saying we would be together forever,
We never allowed the cold wind to invade our bodies.
Oh! How I love your chocolate skin!
Your smooth face like the face of a stream,
Your navel that coiled in with small hairs around it -
You always kissed my ear after whispering "I love you."
I remember the last time we met,
That windy Monday was filled with laughter; later ended with tears
As we waved goodbye.
If I could rewind days,
I would be the happiest man on earth.
For today is so cold;
I am here... missing you.
Endurance Ubogu
Again those seducing eyes
of yours are staring at me.
Same glittering apparel;
same golden sandals.
Such emotion I long to embrace
But, will you be there?
Higher let us fly! Take me again to love's house -
I missed those love's songs.
Together we flocked, so much in love.
In grieve I cried... my love is gone.
Endurance Ubogu
Teach me O Lord!
Thy path to follow;
I don't want to fall like the others.
A point I have come
Where the path is separated,
And here I know they got it wrong.
I have come this far;
No turning back now.
Teach me O Lord!
Thy right path to follow.
Endurance Ubogu